
As the Pieces Fall Into Place

Yeah, at first I was pretty ticked off, but after a while my anger transformed into something more… something like pride. Fifteen years old, and the local big shot considers me a threat! Obviously I was adopted, but then other ideas pop into my head, one more fervent than the rest.

Maybe I was planted

That’s not too far fetched, is it? My hair’s darker than the rest of my family’s, almost black. That’s something noticable at a young age. Have I always had the “potential to be a threat”? Pride spawns and churns low in my gut, but I quickly push it way. Pride goeth before a fall, and all that.

And Michelle can’t be my real sister. My uncle told me where babies come from, and, according to him, it takes about nine months. She’s only a month younger than me, so that can’t be possible, not if it always takes that long.

So now I’m mad at myself for not figuring it out sooner, but it’s soon pushed away with the pride. It’s best not to harbor hatred for the only player on your team.

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