
A Silver heart(part 4)

The stars twinkled in the night sky. A half moon, the color of Goldenrod, floated just above the purple horizen. My hands gripped the steering wheel steadily. I could feel Travis’s dark eyes on me. I turned to my right seeing his gaze pinned on my face.
“So where exactly are we going?” He asked.
“Just a couple of miles down the road. My Ballet class starts in about fifteen minutes.” I replied, still in a bit of a shock that he had wanted to come and watch. He tilted his head to catch a glimpse of the sky.
“I left on a half moon, didn’t I?” He whispered. I bit back tears as I nodded silently. He looked away, as the ride carried on.
“I believe I still have something of yours,” He spoke. I turned to him as he dug deep into his pant pocket. I gasped as he pulled out a solid silver heart on a velvet ribbon. He placed the sacred piece of jewelry in my palm. I curled my fingers around it imedialtely, for I had been wondering about it for a very long time. Then I looked up at him, not sure what to say.

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