I Won't Lie
I need to fire my narrator. His story is way too boring; nothing ever happens. I need to climb inside my head and serve him walking papers. “Good job to this point, but I think we need to move in a different direction.â?
“It’s not my fault your life sucks. You make all the decisions; I just do the play-by-play. If anybody has the right to complain, it’s me.”
“Consider yourself evicted.”
“I won’t leave.”
“What if I could promise you a better gig? John Malkovich? Jack Black? John Cusack? That’s some prime real estate there – very thoughtful, very analytical.”
“I’ll take my chances here.”
How is it that I know the conversation will turn out this way? My narrator tells me. In between encouraging me to pick a fight… Did that guy just mad dog you? Slap that trick. And assuring me I’d lose the fight. You wouldn’t last ten seconds.
I climb back inside my head. “Are you trying to get me killed?”
“You said you needed some excitement.”
“Bring it on, bitch!”
“I won’t lie. This is gonna hurt a little.”