The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM
10:49:37 PM
Sara sang like a bird. Like a bird on acid, that is.
“Just how many caramel macchiatos have you had tonight?â? Sara’s mother asked, rubbing her temples.
“Onlyfour,â? Sarah blurted.
It continued like this. The adults questioned Sara and Randall separately and would corroborate their stories. Sara mostly told the truth, as she knew Randall would, although she was careful not to give away anything useful. She flat out lied, however, when they asked where she thought Jason was.
She and Randall and Jason had decided long ago, and then made Arnold agree, that if they were ever compromised and had to give up a location, they would give their interrogators the same predetermined spot.
And so Sara and Randall both gave Jason’s dad the address of the Chuck E. Cheese downtown…