
The Truth Lies Within....

Tell me if this ain’t true….

have you ever been listening to your music with your headphones, and suddenly think you hear your name being called, so you take off your ear buds and look around….

When your driving down the highway, just cruising along and a car that passes you, or you pass a car, you have a strong urge to turn your head and look to see who’s driving….

When your in those, check yourself out lines in a store, and theirs people behind you, and when something doesn’t go right, like for say, the item doesn’t want to scan, so the person standing next to you says, “hmmm it must be free isn’t it”....... or some other stupid joke that isn’t funny….......

I want to hear from you!

tell me your times when its the truth and these things happen everyday, and people don’t pick up on them…..
, thanks

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