Non-sensical. Just an everyday story, with a twist
Sunshine flooded in the room. She groaned, while waking up. Without even bothering to check out the big clock-radio at her side, she just knew she was in a big hurry.
Afterall, she had to meet her boyfriend at the train station. She hadn’t seen him for a long time. So, she had to be ready. She choose carefully a grey tailleur and a matching skirt. She felt the gentle caress of the cottony thread on her legs, and by the hugging sensation she felt on her cleavage, she was confirmed of her initial thoughts: she was really dressed to kill.
She picked up a pair of low heeled shoes, to be more confortable. The clicking noise of her feet on the floor was quite soothing.
The, the woman ventured the big city. She loved the noises, so full of life. She stopped in the 4th avenue: Tom’s Baker was open, she could tell it just taking a slow breath and smelling the fresh bread.
She bought some doughs.
She sat on a bench, waiting for him, and eating her dough. After all, even if blind, she had plenty of senses to enjoy life.