
At Last

While Alice and I were setting things up in the backyard the doorbell rang. It was Jacob, our first guest. It was so obvious that Alice was in love with him, but nevertheless she shot me the “don’t be to obvious” glare when I answered the door.

Finally Mike, my current crush, had arrived. I knew exactly what I would be doing the whole time, following him around. But, of course, because I was a hostess I had to help out.

I let out a long dramatic sigh as Alice forced me to leave his side….something about cars.

“Oh crap!!!! Alice I’m sorry. I forgot to tell people to leave their cars behind.”
“Don’t worry Steph,” she replied, “At least most of them had enough brains to park on another street.

Suddenly Alice screamed, with impressive loudness I might add, “She’s here!!!”

Tori was here at last!

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