Umm, I Can't Think Of a Title For This Story (Dream Challenge)
I felt the adrenaline pump through me as I ran as fast as I could.
I took three steps; the perfect approach; jumped and swung, and… whiffed.
I sighed. Ahh, well, practice makes better.
“Nice try, Jen. Alright, good practice. Bring it in.”
The women on the best Olympic volleyball team in the world (USA, of course) huddled around the coach. I was one of them. We wrapped our arms around each other, a symbol of unity, as we stood in the circle and leaned in. I smiled slightly. How lucky I was, in a position that most girls would only dream of. But I had been one of those dreamers. And look where I was now.
I remembered so many years ago, when I had used a website called Ficlets. I’d so enjoyed it. I remembered back when a girl had posted a dream challenge. It had made me think of what I wanted to be when I grew up. At first I couldn’t think of anything. PETCO manager? Naw. Rockstar? Hmm… highly improbable. Lawyer? Shudder Nope. And then, all of a sudden, it came to me, and I started typing…