If I could, I would.
I’d listen to your voice all day. We could kiss and hug all day too.
I would hold your hand, loop my fingers through your belt loops. I’d step on your toes. And jump on your back.
I’d argue and yell at you. I would slap you. I’d lick your face and braid your hair.
I’d tell you what you wanna hear. I’d steal your clothes and fall asleep on your couch after we watched a movie.
I’d sing to you with my horrible voice and write on you. I’d come to all your gigs.
I’d steal your clothes and make you wear my jewelry.
I’d make you dance with me along the curb and make you run across a busy street.
I’d let you buy me stuff I dont need. I’d be nice to your exgirlfriends.
I might even let myself trust you. I’d double dog dare you and whisper in your ear.
I’d listen to you breathe on the phone to put me to sleep at night. Id let you drive me in my car, I’d let you control the stereo.
If I could, I would, without a doubt.