
Devil Dead or Young?

“Um, who are you?” I asked the young man.

“I’m Devil,” the man replied.

This can’t be Devil, I thought. Devil’s an old man, not a young guy…who’s actually pretty cute..wait, what am I thinking?

We stood there for a moment, the musty smell wafting out the door. The young Devil looked at me, probably contemplating his thoughts, while I sat there in wonder. How did he become young again?

“Um, what’s that smell?” I asked, cringing at the odor.

“Oh, I tried to cook…It didn’t exactly work,” Devil replied, looking back towards the foggy kitchen.

“Uhm, do you need help?” I asked, trying to be polite.

“You ask a lot of questions,” Devil said with a smile. “But yeah, I could use some help.”

I followed him inside the apartment, the first time I had ever stepped into Devil’s domain.

What would I find, now that I was inside?

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