
Morning Talk

I slammed my locker door closed. I picked up my heavy books and began my search for the room where I had biology every day.
“Hey there,” I looked up, and right in front of me was Mark. His short black hair and deep blue eyes took me by suprise.
“Uh. . hi” I spoke. He smiled at me, then his eyes went from side to side. “Where’s Nora?”
I looked down, “I’m really not sure. Did you check her locker?” I replied, a deep wound on my heart.
“Yes, and then since she’s your friend, I thought you’d know. You gave her the note right?” He looked at me, with an unreadable expression.
“Uh-hu,” I replied dully.
“So. . .what did she say?”
“Donno,” Mark frowned at that, he gave me one last glance before waving goodbye as he walked away. I took a deep breath and started off toward biology. I don’t need him. I thought to my self. My mind wandered to last night’s rainstorm, I imagined I could feel the ice cold drops rolling down my arms at that very moment; washing away every feeling I had felt toward him.

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