
The Pain of Misplaced Love

A secret,
killing me from the inside,
continuously trying to be seen.
I love him,
but I can’t tell him.
I want him,
but I can’t have him.
I won’t accept it,
my mind wont let me,
but I know that someday I must.
I try and keep myself away,
for I feel as though I am a burden.
I tell myself to wait for him,
to let him seek my company.
But he won’t,
for he understands that we can never be,
while I deny it and live in ignorance.

I try not to think of the way he makes me laugh,
or of the times we sat together,
sharing stories of sorrow and comforting each other,
telling secrets,
admitting what we were scared of,
amazed at how much we could relate.
My heart sinks at the thought of saying goodbye,
after all the hours of developing a relationship that will never exist.
My only consolation is that he does not suffer,
as he realizes the impossibility.
Yet I continue to feel the agony;
the pain of misplaced love.

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