
Amethyst Clusterfrack

The engineer slumped back into his chair, and one-eyed the bottle of Jack Daniels. Reaching with a lazy hand, he grabbed the bottled and tossed it behind him. It crashed and shattered.
“Can’t drink you anymore,” said the engineer, reaching into this utility vest pocket. He produced a decanter filled with Johnny Walker Black. Taking a haul, he shivered and said, “That’s better… ENSIGN !” he barked.
“Ensign Ragadew reporting Lieuten…”
“Shut it!” the engineer jabbed a finger and eyed the officer curiously, “What was I saying?”
“You ordered me here, sir,”
“Don’t get smart,”
“no sir,”
“Thass better… Now. I was going to say,”
“Fix the button sir?”
“FIX THE DAMN BUTTON , Ensign, and don’t make me answer me twice.. i mean, don’t make me .. don’t repeat, DOOOON ’T make me repeat myself again!”
“Sir, yessir!”
“now fix the damn button.”
“You said that,”
“I’ll fix the button as ordered sir,”
“That’s it – FIX THE DAMNED BUTTON . Don’t make me… where’s my drink,” a haul of Johnny, “Whassat?”

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