
untitled- Chapter 1~part 1


“Flight 5926, London, now boarding.â€? The intercom was heard throughout the empty airport. No families with little kids whining, no people on cell phones who you think are talking to you, no nothing. Apparently not many people get red-eye flights, especially not to London, at least not in Vinton, Iowa. I was almost the only person on the plane, not counting the attendants or pilots. There was one guy three rows ahead who looked to be visiting family in London. It looked like he was going to be saying good-bye to someone. There was also an unusually sized woman in the way back that just picked her nose, how delightful.
Of course you have no idea why I’m going to London. If I told you you’d think I’m nuts. Yet I have to tell you anyway. I’m a dragonologist, there I said it. Now let it sink in for awhile….I’m going to London to spot an English dragon (hence why London).

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