Outlaw Cloaks #3
Wing stammered along into the vast emptiness standing before him. Not a single drop of water, nor a single living creature was in sight. Wing was on the very brink of unconsciousness when all of a sudden WHOOSH ! Wing fell through the earth, plummeting down some type of concealed shaft. He landed with a thud in the middle of a dark chamber, only illuminated by the glowing of seven figures at the far side of the chamber.
“What the heck? Where am I, and who are you people?” screamed Wing, obviously frightened.
The man closest to Wing stepped forward, just a silhouette in front of the glowing figures’ strange aura.
As The man came closer to Wing, a red aura became clearly visible, surrounding the figures body. An ominous feeling quickly overcame Wing, and with his current mental state, he couldn’t handle anything else.
Wing’s ears percieved only one thing as he crashed to the ground from fatigue.
“We’re outlaws.”