
Remembering Pina Coladas

He took in a ragged breath as I turned. I’m pretty sure I looked like shit. Earlier, I’d kind of felt like shit. But not now, the rain made me peaceful. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow questioningly, “Do you like Pina Coladas?”
“And getting caught in the rain?” he grinned, “Not really.”
I rolled my eyes and beckoned to him. After a moment of deliberating he stepped toward me.
“Leave your shoes and socks on the stoop,” I directed before he could get them all muddy.He smiled and conceded.
Then he came and stood next to me, the rain splashing down on his head and rolling down his face like tears. “Now what?” he looked slightly amused.
I lifted my hands (ignoring that they were shaking slightly) and cupped his face, slowly redirecting it upwards to face the sky. Unwillingly, I dropped my hands and whispered, “Close your eyes.”
I lifted his hands then, but instead of opening them out, I left them upright between us, my palms pressed into his. I tilted my own face back and let the rain wash through us.

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