I couldn’t help myself! XD I entered, and hoped it’s okay. I think I’ve watched too much CSI for my own good. o_O I love Sherlock Holmes. Great challenge! : )
I see the inspiration pic has an italian caption. And yes, I had an hard time skin all in one ficlet, but with some details left to imagination, the thing asks some logical leaps.
question: must they be a detective? the rules only say they must deduce something from a object and in my idea that’s exactly what happens…but in a slightly less Sherlockey atmosphere.
Ok, I entered. But I’m sorry, I couldn’t fit it all into one ficlet. Or two. Or three. I made four parts. Is that alright? Hopefully it still qualifies.
Mad As A Hatter
Laine the Grey
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
Jamie Rose
The Mass Rock Dude
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
g2 (la pianista irlandesa)
g2 (la pianista irlandesa)