
The Pilgrimage

In the dim light of the cave, Scott’s HUD flickered through the dust. “1000m,” he muttered to himself, “not much farther now.” The closer he got to the great machine, the dimmer the light grew. The meager opening of the cave dwindled in the distanced. The ancient lithographs scarred along the walls hinted at the sheer age of it all.

Moving steadily closer, his display began to parse data to him as he scanned the various spectra. Despite the great age of the machine, it was emitting low levels of radiation at the IR level. Strange, that wavelength was the range typically emitted by large deciduous trees.

He drew closer, 10meters away now. There was a softness to the surface material, aged beyond comprehension. A lesser man might have worshipped at the foot of something far greater than himself. Scott had something far greater than a mere machine on his side, however. Respectfully, he laid the explosives in an even pattern around the object. He bowed before the machine, then started the climb out of the cave.

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