
Now whose laughing?

‘As I sit here and write this to you, I am afraid that by the time this entire event is over, you and I shall be no more. No more but pure memories and in time we shall be forgotten.
Nothing more than 2 souls who should have been together but could not becuase of cruel fate, war, and agony. I’m sorry love, but I couldnt save you from this.’

He put the letter in the envelope and told the messenger boy to delever it to his the maiden, telling him it was urgent to get there before the enemy arrived. The young boy nodded and rode off.
Joshua had always been brave but now-now he didnt know what to do. He had failed. He looked at him self in the mirror and saw that the scar left there from his childhood was fading, it had such a great signifigance that the world would never be able to know now…
He decided something in his mind quickly and scribbled something down. He heard horses aproaching and men’s voices. Joshua grabbed his sword and plunged it into this chest and cackled, “Now whose laughing?”

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