
Sangsue- part 12

weeks later

So much has changed in a matter of mere weeks. The Sangsue are perfectly normal now, although they still are hiding the fact that they eat people. In fact, I believe I’m the only human left in my small town.
I walked into the grocery store to see an old friend of mine, obviously Sangsue. I decided to be cruel and say, “Hey Carson!” I watched him flinched like all the rest of them when I used his real name. He turned towards me and growled. He still looked like my old friend, with brown hair. But it were the eyes that changed it all. And even though it’s been weeks, I still haven’t gotten used to those eyes. “My name is Meryko now,” He growled again, before storming off. But this was completly normal now.
But Parker has gone missing. I went to his house multiple times to find it empty. There was no sign that anyone ever lived there. He was just…gone.
And this is all my fault.

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