

I stared him dead in the eye, only to find him look away due to lack of interest. I just wish he’de talk to me, at least once.
I’de seen him smile from a distance, and I had to hold myself up to keep from falling backward. He was beautiful, but not in that im so charming, supermodel way, but in a way I’de never seen before. It was the imperfections that caught my eye. It was his flaws that made him so devestatingly… noticeable.
I sighed in defeat.
He was two years older than I was.
What sixteen year old in their right mind would even look twice at someone who was only fourteen?
Apparently not Patrick.
I grabbed my bag, and walked away.
I couldnt stand to watch him anymore.
I felt like I knew him so much better than I did.
I felt like he was a long lost friend walking away.

But he wasn’t, he was a stranger.

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