
Dancing-Wait, No, Eating Queen (AIM Challenge)

“Hey, foreverbaby313, wait up,” this is my friend calling.

Lately the school fad has been calling people by their screen names. Personally, I think it’s a little lame, but whatever.

She catches up with me and my other friend.

“Hey, tallblue444, are you gonna go to the dance on Friday?”

“Na, me and missnebraska934 are just gonna chill at my house. Dances are lame. You can join us if you want.”

“Maybe. But dances aren’t that bad, are they? Aside from the beginning, where everyone just stands around, it’s not horrible. And there will be snacks.”

I perk up at this. “Snacks?”

“Yup. Cookies and soda and chips and pretzels.”

“Yum,” I smile, imagining the food. “Hey, it wouldn’t be so bad if we went,” I speak to my friend, trying to be reasonable. “I mean, they will have food.”

She rolled her eyes. She knows how much I like food.

“Maybe. But I’m NOT dancing. You know I have no balance whatsoever.”

“Of course. And I won’t, either. I’ll be by the food table the entire time.”

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