Songz Surprise
The Next Morning:
She sat up from her bed & wiped away her tears. She released the picture she had clutch in her hands. She opened up her drawer of her night stand & opened her bible. After reading her scriptures, she decided to take a shower. Towards the end of her shower, she thought she heard the door open, but she didnt pay it any attention. After getting dressed, (in business attire), she thought she would treat herself today so, she grabbed her suitcase, & some extra money as she head towards her door.
When she went into her kitchen, she looked around to see her apartment trashed.
“What the hell?” she said.
She looked around to see some of her girls and some random guys sleeping around trash and empty alcohol bottles.
“Did I have a party last night? I might have, wow I dont remember anything.” she said to herself.
She walked back into her room to get some advil when she heard someone in her bathroom. She picked up a lamp as the person walked out.
“Trey?!” said Laura Ann