
Sangsue- part 17

“So…what’s been going on here?” Ginkloo asked as we walked along the sidewalk, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Big pile of nothing. Here’s a question though: where have you been? I’ve been thinking…thinking that you were…dead.”
“I have been kind of running away from you.” That answer stopped me in my tracks, “But-but why?”
“Because firstly, I was afraid I’d want to eat you and secondly, I was afraid what you would think about me. And you were obviously upset.”
“Ah.” It was quiet for a bit. During that time Ginkloo, or Parker took my hand. It was like old times, before he was turned into a Sangsue, before I broke that arch. That is, until a Sangsue police officer came up to us and stared with big purple eyes at the two of us, before speaking, “The leaders would like to see Mr. Ginkloo please.” Parker turned to me, pecking my cheek before saying, “Go home. I’ll meet you there.” When he turned to leave the officer was still wide-eyed.
But I was not prepared for what I found when I arrived home.

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