Ficlets Convention: Impromptu Performance
While the convention members approached the food-court for lunch, the sounds of music could be heard. A single troubadour stood on a chair in the food-court, with his +10 Guitar of Awesomeness in the throws of a classic tune.
His wife, the lovely Debra-Lynn, sang harmonies as the song crescendoed to its climax and the song ended.
The food-court politely applauded as ALRO saw the oncoming horde.
“Hey guys, come on; i’ve got more where that came from,”
ALRO strummed a “D” chord and went into Sweet Home Alabama.
Joe & Chaka approached with cowboy boots tapping the floor for rhythm. Mask, .:band baby:., Bartimeaus, Punkin, Ana, and Never Explain and even Elsha, with Late-night-Blues from the night before forgotten, went into the lyrics with happy gusto.
OrangeOreos and BARomero each took a verse and then joined by the entire food-court in a chorus of International Voices.
“This is what it’s all about. Good friends, great music!”
Ficlets Convention equalled, SUCCESS !
Elsha eyed her hub, “I’m better, now.”