
I Like to Stand Among the Trees [Action Ficlet Challenge]

I like to stand among the trees. Their majesty and stoic presence comfort me in time of stress, times like right now.

“You wanna’ die a bachelor or somethin’? Move, Lewis!” my friend hollers as he comes racing down the hill past me, weaving or crashing amongst said towering trees.

Like a great leaden missile, a man-sized safe whips by me, tumbling down the hill. I sigh, take one last glance at the glowering cyclops bellowing at the top of the hill, and start running. I can hear his clumsy but persistent footfalls thundering down the hill after me.

I shout after Roddy, my previously noted to be sprinting friend, “Drop those crackers we brought!”


“He might be hungry.”

“But we still have one tin of…” Here he pauses to recover from a branch that clipped his forehead, then continues, “tuna salad.”

An inhuman growl sends the birds fleeing their perches, and Roddy rethinks his answer, chucking that last package of Ritz.

I can’t help but add, “Told you we shouldn’t have opened the basement!”

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