
Pretty Flowers and Maggot Guts

After minutes that seemed like centuries, Steve lifted his chin from the edge of the toilet bowl. He pulled a small lever and watched as the vomit swirled into a septic abyss.

Now the headache. Ugh! What Steve wanted, and what he needed was “noise”. The Officials of the city called it that. Other names included: “psychotic killer”, “new heroin”, and “white rabbit”.

He had one coupon left for some “noise”. He would get more next month though. Steve gently fed the plastic tube the card, and watched as it shot up. Seconds later, a syringe magically floated down another tube.

He ripped it out, grasping it with two hands, now one. Steve rolled up his sleeve, rubbed a swab over his forearm and painfully, but carefully, inserted the needle.

Steve watched the sparkling gray liquid being injected into his bloodstream. Slowly, his grimace turned into a smile. It wasn’t making him high. It was just the sudden burst of relief seemed to make it all go away.

It aaaallllllllllllll went away…*

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