Hudsens leaving.
“Lindsey, you have to talk.” She said through gritted teeth.
I tuned her out.
Her voice softened up a bit.
“Lindsey please, I know you’re upset, but you can’t act liek this.”
I continued to ignore her. I knew it wasn’t Jaime’s fault that Hudsen left me, but I couldn’t talk. I missed him so much it literally made me sick. Without him I could barely move, I needed him to breathe.
She gave up and walked away.
Everyone asked If I was okay. What a stupid question. Hudsen left me, of ourse I wasn’t okay.
I pulled a small picture of him out of my wallet, and just stared at it. This was something I did often, stared at his face until I couldn’t se it anymore.
I thought back to the last night I’de seen him.
“Lindsey, we’re moving.”
“You’re what, you can’t!” I pleaded.
“I don’t have a choice.” He muttered.
God I missed him.