Purrfectly Content
Let me tell you, there is nothing compared to laying out in a patch of yellow sunlight on a cozy spring day. It’s just so nice to take a break to relax and warm my fur. Just to sit back and enjoy a nice afternoon siesta.
Unfortunately, it’s hard to find a moment’s peace with such a hectic family. Those humans are always running around. Mom and Dad run off to work. Rachel is always running off to her friends’ house (if they aren’t already coming over here). Mark plays those awfully loud drums in the basement, and don’t even get me started on Demetri…the little tail-pulling-monster! And Toby, the eldest, is always gone…running around at school.
Still, they are my family and I do like their company most of the time. But they are just so busy. Most humans are these days it seems. It wouldn’t hurt you guys to just get off your feet and enjoy the sunshine once in a while. Trust me, you could learn a lesson from your pets. :)