An AIM Battle
n555champ: Hello again doomdreader666.
doomdreader666: WhadDya waNt? Ur a fag!!
n555champ: I want blood.
n555champ: By the way your a magical bag of lesbians.
doomdrader666: Suck It! I’m gonna kill ur AsS!! (pulls out machine gun)
n555champ: Good.(Samurai sword unsheathed)
doomdreader666: Ratatatatatatat!! (barrage of bullets)
n555champ: Ting!Tang! (bullets ricochet back)
doomdreader666: (whips out shield with rocket launcher attached) Ur done FUR ! (Fires rocket)
n555champ: (Uses the force to send rocket careening at doomdreader666) Not to day, my friend.
doomdreader666: Dang man, you got me! I get to win next time. K?
n555champ: Whatever. See ya tomorrow? (reaches behind back)
doomdreader666: Ya I guess.
n555champ: No, no you probably won’t. (pulls out sawn-off shotgun and fires)
doomdreader666: Guess not (Falls over dead, head rolls away.)