Sangsue- part 24
How was this asylum helping me? I haven’t been called out of this room once except for mealtime, which was terrible. Our meal was made of big bowls of assorted body parts, from humans and animals. And because of mealtime I got to catch glimces of the other Sangsue here. I could tell who was the more crazy and actually belonged here, unlike me. One Sangsue had its hair in disarray, and pink scars running along its arms and cheeks. He or she must have noticed my scuntity for they turned to look at me. What surprised me the most was how her stare wasn’t a stare of anger or craziness, but pity.
One time I was called to a room, and in it was the guy I met the first day, with the big glasses. There was a table in the middle which he told me to lay on, back facing up. There were strange stains on the table, but I didn’t think much of it. “Close your eyes, Ginkloo…Now picture this human in your head….Got a good thought of her, “I nodded, “Good.” Then I suddenly felt a whip slash along my back. I gasped in pain.