Amethyst Frontiers: Ultimatums
The Karama suddenly lurched sending the crew sailing against the bulkheads. Locke and Karapanov fell in a heap, Vargus beside them and Morris with the security man fell against the door. On the way down, the doctor struck his head, opening a bloody gash.
“What in the hell was that?” Karapanov asked as the quaking settled.
Vargus pressed a button on his comm device, “Bridge; report!”
“We’re not sure yet captain, but i believe we are moving!”
“Moving? Where?”
“IN to the anomaly!”
Locke looked to Vargus with critical eyes, “The stakes just got bigger, Captain!”
Locke’s communicator blipped, and she answered, “Go ahead!”
“Captain, sensors on the probe just picked up a Phase hiccup!” it was Brill.
“What are you talking about. What’s a phase hiccup,”
“Locke, the anomaly is closing in on itself. Call it nature’s ability to making things right. If we don’t close this thing, it could cause a black hole that will swallow the neighboring systems!”
“Christ!” locked swore, “Standby!”
To Vargus, “What do you say?”