A bunny! this was really random… and some sound like they’re from a child’s influence, or a game, or a parent, and those usually are the best!
Now I’m posting this comment to tell you that these are awesome random moments! But now was then, so…
The now is now sentece isn’t from Space Balls, is it? It kind of sounds like a line from that movie. Nice & good & very funny.
Nope.. not that i know of.. i asked myself, “How soon is Now?!” and that was my answer.But i’m sure i’m not the only one to ask it.
BTW . i don’t remember spaceballs.I know of the movie. and i know i’ve seen it… but i don’t know it enough to know a single line from it accept, “May the Shwartz be with you” That’s all i got ..
yeah, they use it in spaceballs
OH cool..
Mistress Elsha Hawk
Jamie Rose
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ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫