The Emos and the Cross Country Team Fight At Asa Bales
The cross country team ran into Asa Bales, legs and arms pumping in unison. Asa Bales is the park in behind the local library. Not only is it often used as a training ground for the cross country, it is also a popular spot for EMOS . A skate park had been built in 2008 and now emos hung out at the park all the time.
They smoke, they cuss, and they’re hideous creatures, normally produced from dysfunctional families and bad neighborhoods. Some of them, the ones you really try hard to respect, are okay skaters. Others, mostly girls, just like to sit around and smoke. Then the skaters smoke to. I will give them one thing, they do know how to share (cigarettes that is)
When the cross country team entered, trouble had already begun to brew.
As the team walked to the drinking fountain (past the emo shelter) the first insult was flung.
“Smokers are jokers!” a boy shouted from inside the clump of runners.
“Fuck you!” an emo shouted, taking a puff of his camel. The war had begun.