
The Eyes Are Always Upon Us-Part 3 ( my very own entry to my very own 50th ficlet challenge)

We don’t want to take our chances spending the night here, so we’re heading home with the few gaint dead beaver-bunnies and sabertooth artic terns we have.

But, first, a romanitc quick dinner (lit by virtual candlelight)

We fed Benny some of our toasted corn kernels as we made out in the moonlight. I ran over to adjust the virtual candlelight, and when i bent overto pick up some discarded corn kernels, Lucy smacked my butt.

I was as red as a tomato then, but it felt so good.

” Oh ,my nutty Lucy, let me chase you!” I yelled as I chased Lucy playfully. She giggled, tripped over a boulder, and I kissed her again.

Everything was so perfect then.

That is, until Benny howled and whined, and scratched my shins, which he only does when there’s trouble.

Then,three Russian soldiers( who I guess knew some English) came and pointed their machine guns at us, and barked, ” All ‘vight, you lovebirds! Take your hands off each other, and raise them in the air! ‘Party’s over!”.

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