
Mums the Word (Literary/Grunt Challenge)

It was another Monday at my office. I put on my scrubs, washed my hands and pulled the first few charts. I entered one of the small rooms my “office” was comprised of, with a smile.

“Mrs. Alvarez! I see here you have a toothache, well don’t worry! We’ll have that taken care of today and you’ll be good as new!”

I worked the pneumatic chair up and into a recline after pulling on some gloves. Mrs. Alvarez frowned and situated herself comfortably. She opened her mouth.

“How are the kids?”
“Good. And your husband?”
“Mm, mm, ffaaanmm!”
“You don’t say? He’s having an affair? And you know?”
“Aaaa, mmfff, ddaamnnd.”
“With his secretary? Are you doing anything about this?”
“mm, mfddaa,mmffd. mmmaaffnndd.”
“You’re using his insurance while you can and charging to his credit cards? How devious, Mrs. Alvarez!”
“Mm! mmmmffddnnd.”
“Oh I won’t tell him! Mums the word!”
“Oh, sorry Mrs. Alvarez, I didn’t mean to do that, are you okay now?”
“Don’t be sarcastic.”
“You’ll be out of here in no time!”

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