
No Problem?!

“Eloise, you do know the saying ‘ignorance is bliss’, do you not?” Mother Hannah’s tone was now soft, and she stroked the baby Hippogriff’s head feathers tenderly.

When I didn’t answer, she continued anyway.

“Sometimes, ignorance is good, but it is never correct when it is willing,” she said, feeding the baby several pellets from the sack.

I felt myself bristle.


“That’s a great way to encourage me,” I said, sarcastic. “I’d like to see one of you deal with this kind of creature after what happened.”

“Losses should not be mourned; they should be instead given gratitude with living life to the fullest as a token.”

“Yes, Mother Hannah, I’ve heard it a thousand times. Save your sermon and preaching for someone who doesn’t have it memorized.”

I turned away, and I could practically feel Mother Hannah’s anger simmering.

“Well, since you know all the virtues by heart,” she said, her tone very sweet, “then I trust you’ll have no problem with this.”

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