
Outlaw Cloaks #14

For the first time since seeing his powers spark, Maer was calm. Maybe even a bit sad.
“Dammit…V was only trying to help, and I was just cruel…Now I’m upset, and I haven’t learned anything. I’m even more lost…Oh, great and I’m talking to myself, once again… “

“Hey, kid, don’t look so grim!”
“Who’s there?”

Then a figure stepped out of the darkness, for the second time.
“Hey, I’m Arren! You’re Maer, right?”
“Uh, yeah. How do you know me?”
“We’re all within the Spectrum, right? News travels fast, one might say!”
“Oh, sure, of course. You seem pretty happy…”
“Why sure! Not all of us are angry, you know!”
“Yeah…Hey, can you answer my questions?”
“Where do we get our powers from? And what do they really do?”
“Well, your powers come from your soul. With all the prohibitions nowadays, nobody can express themself. Everything’s so by the book. Those like us are still wild. Still on fire with passion! And about your powers. You have to figure that out yourself.”
“I thought so…”

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