Holy f*ckin @$$-crackers! Facaro’s a girl?!?
yep.. =D
hey if u aint gonna sequel this i want to… i’ll give u till tomorrow. (just tell me)
eh, y not…
Is the cloud you are talking about from Final Fantasy? If so sweet!
I LOVE CLOUD !!!! Woo!!! I also love the similarities between Cassius and Hagrid. Don’t use wands and ride around on a flying motorcycle. Very cool.
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja