
My Funeral {High Brow- Life and Death Challenge}

“Well, what did you think?”

I was sitting cross legged on my closed casket. All my family, friends and some people I didn’t recognize were gathered. It really was quite a crowd. I sighed.

“I didn’t get my one twenty,” I muttered.

Peter laughed, “Lightening’s a bitch.” He shrugged, “But, overall, What did you think?”

I cut my eyes to him, “Can you even say that? Nevermind. Overall... It was a pretty darned good ride.”

I smiled thinking back over my life. I found it strange that the day after my death all the things in my life seemed harder to recall, like a bad reception.

Peter nudged me, “There will be plenty of thinking time after the funeral. The boys are about to speak. They are going to make great politicians.”

I raised a brow, “You’re kidding.”

“You always wanted to change the world. You just don’t get to do it directly,” he winked.

I couldn’t help but smile. “So, I really did make a difference.”

“Isn’t that your meaning of life?” He grinned.

“Yes,” I answer.

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