
Living a Lie

Walking into the restaurant, the woman was excited. She was going to surprise her husband, who was working that day. Normally, she stayed away from his workplace but today, being in the area, she decided to stop in.

The place was crowded – it was the lunch rush. People milled about her, focusing on their sandwiches “to go” and seemingly not noticing her existence.

Scanning the restaurant, she spotted her husband of ten years. Tall, fair complexioned, messy brown hair – she smiled.

Taking a few steps forward, she began to get his attention. Something caught her eye. She paused.

Another girl, about four inches shorter than him, walked up. He grinned, the girl beamed. He winked at her and brushed her arm secretively. Lingering. They shared a moment and laughed together.

Speechless and on the verge of tears the woman turned and left, not bothering to interrupt her husband’s affair.

At that moment, she felt immense sorrow for all of the women out there, like herself, who were unknowingly living a lie.

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