Playing with Fire (continued)
her ear against his ice cold chest, hearing nothing but her own heart beating in her ears.
“Does it ever bother you that you don’t have a heart beat?” she questioned breezely, as though she was discussing the weather.
“Not really, does it bother you, that I don’t have a heart beat?”he replied.
“No,” she said, continuing warily,”Would it bother you if I didn’t?”
She felt his chest stiffen beneath her, and bit her lip.
“Not now.” he said with an eacho of pain in his voice
“I’m sorry, it’s just that I wan’t to be with you forever, and if I don’t become a vampire, then we won’t be.”she wispered, trying to hide her pain.
“Tomorrow,” he said.
“We sould go home now, I don’t wan’t you getting sick,”
””kay” she said, standing up as he swept her up into his arms, and took off to her house.
He put her down at her door step,swept her up again into a passionate kiss,then sped away, leaving behind a whisper that sent her heart to pounding faster than the speed of light.
“I’ll be in your room.”