Bad In a Good Way
Twilah snuck through the hallway to the kitchen and found doors to a balcony she slipped out the doors and took a deep breath as the cool air bet her skin. She leaned up against the wall and closd her eyes.The stars lit up the sky. “Hey”Said a deep voice that startled her. Twilah’s eyelids snapped open to see Blake studying her. “Oh hey” Twilah said nervously.”My dancing too much for you?” He asked with a cool smirk across hi face.”Why do you think that?” She blurted, avoiding the question. “Cause you left right when it started to get… dirty”He smiled at the word “It wasn’t that bad.” She said cooly.”You like bad?” He asked in a raspy voice that made her knees buckle. He leaned one arm against the wall and he faced her. Twilah shifted nervously.”That depends on what bad is.. why?” She looked into his green eyes. “Because.. If you like bad I’ll be bad.”He whispered a mischevious smirk lining his face. His free hand reached across and his arms trapped her his face leaned toward hers.”Bad is what I’m best at.”