
a recluse by choice

wandering aimlessley through halls filled with nothing but regret and pain i peer out at the world through tinted lenses, too much light for these strained and tired eyes
my love smiles in the face of another, pretending i dont exist, to many i dont
i am a recluse by choice, it seems, the fate of the word falls down upon me like the weight of the world, i am no atlas, standing is no longer an option
they glance in my direction, wondering what exactly im doing, the purpose of my existence a mystery to tall, though their stares reveal only their reflections, the faces of the ones that caused me so much pain are all they shall see of me
the dark lenses reveal no sign of the tears on the other side, or the broken heart that cries out from deep in my chest
i am a recluse, by choice, my existence cauterized from the people i love, bye the people i love
i am a recluse, by choice, my life matters only to me, not that im sure even i think it matters
i am a recluse by choice
i never said it was mine

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