
Answers that create questions

She had stared at the number, written in haste when she woke up, for almost an hour when it occurred to her what he was trying to convey.

“It’s a partial phone number.” She thought out loud. “But why didn’t he finish it? And did “he” even really write it or it this just a part of the dream?”

She paced around the room like a feral cat trapped for the first time. She had to get some answers.

On her computer, she entered what she had and added random numbers to complete the phone number, trying to find a name. Some were obviously not what she wanted and she wrote down the possibilities. After a few hours, she had a list of 12 numbers that she thought might be possibilities.

“What would I say?” She laughed to herself. The moment of picking up the phone and calling brought her back to just how crazy this all sounded.

She picked up the phone, and dialed, but not any of the numbers on her list. She needed answers and she was only getting more questions.

“I need your help, I have a story to tell you.”

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