
Autumn and Justin: Devil vs. Angel

By the time we’d gotten to his house I had an angel and a devil on each shoulder. When we stopped so that Jeremy could get out, they couldn’t contain themselves any longer.

“So, this is a nice house!” the angel said.
“Yeah you’ll marry well.” the devil snickered.
“HEY! They haven’t even dated!”
“Wonder which room is Justin’s?”
“Oh STOP ! That’s not nice!”

I was blushing furiously at the thoughts racing through my mind which continued on this thread.

“If you get to work on your project here, maybe you’ll find out!”
“You know what? If I ignore you, you’ll go away. You don’t like it when no one plays angel to your devil routine!” POOF !
“Good, now that she’s gone, and the little brother, you can try flirting with him!” POOF !

The angel was right. The devil didn’t stick around without an antagonist.

I realized now I really was ALONE with Justin. I began to panic, what should I say? But then I calmed myself. There was no need to freak, I didn’t even know what he thought of me! Act normal.

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