
Was [Best Friend Challenge]

Hey, what can I say?

I was the normal girl. I wanted friends. I wanted to be included in the social circle; you know, have sleepovers, giggle over something completely stupid for no reason at all.

For a while, I had my share of best friends, and I was absolutely elated.

I loved being able to share things, and I still do – that part of me hasn’t changed.

It’s true that the choices we make affect us and others, but I believe that if things on this Earth don’t happen (both good and bad), nothing would be as it is.

We wouldn’t be the people we are.

And, in a way, I was shaped from that experience – having a best friend, that is.

We laughed, we teased, we had outings; we played together, and picked out clothes together and helped each other with homework.

Looking back, the only thing I can say is that I never want to see her again unless it’s absolutely necessary.

She knew everything about me, and she used it against me.

She was my best friend.

Notice the past tense?

She was my best friend.

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