Acting The Peacemaker...Almost
“Hey!” I yelled, but he kept moving away. “Cricket!”
Still no reaction.
This whole thing is getting my dander up, now!
I screeched to stop, and filled my lungs with air. And then, I did something that would’ve gotten the attention of anyone (human and animal alike).
I shouted at Cricket in Chinese, letting the words come in a barrage. I had a lot bottled up.
“Cricket, you could at least wait up for your lifelong friend,” I said, stomping up to him. “I know she’s annoying – think about me for a moment – I was practically with her every waking moment of my childhood!“
Cricket wheeled around, a slightly bewildered expression on his face.
“I thought so,” I sighed, reverting to English. “Always works. Now, would you wait up?”
His expression became dark again, and I heaved another sigh.
“Listen, Cricky,” I said, coming closer, “I know that Lin can be annoying – she’s got her good and bad points…although it’s more bad. Bear with me, okay?”
Cricket gave me a half-smile.
Oh, well.