I was running. Running for all I was worth. From Whom? I could not tell you. The faces were a blur; like men in white masks – hairless, foreboding and altogether disquieting.
My sprint took me to an industrial park, where buildings of every shape and size provided a suitable concrete jungle within which I could cower.
They were there.I could smell them.
Mmm. Hamburgers.
I entered the large brownish structure, and was welcomed by friends and family.
“sit down, have a beer. The burgers are great!” said one nameless relative; her face obscured by the fogs of sleep.
“Hey did you hear, you’re having a baby?”
“I am?” I was jubilant!
“Do you know her name?” i knew it was a girl; i always do.”
“What will you name her?”
“Meagan,” I said.
“Hey aren’t you running?” said an uncle.
I stood & exited the brownish building in a speedy flight.
The white masked men drew closer and I cursed myself for allowing the luxory of safety.
But the beer tasted great.
The burger WAS awesome.
And I’m having a baby!