
Aqualina Heals and Exits the Cave

After Elune administered some sticky, smelly, unction to my fin, I rested my head and was soon fast asleep.

I dreamed of the pod, they were swimming away, and fast. No matter how hard I swam, I could not catch them. Elune came to swim next to me, he pointed up at the air above the water where he could speak to me. I swam up, but when I go there a net was thrown over me and snarling teeth and glowing red eyes loomed out of the darkness at me!

I startled awake. It was dark in the cave and the tide was very high. Elune was gone. The ledge he had been sitting on was under water now. I was laying upon it, instead of floating just below its edge.

“Elune!” I called out. He couldn’t have left me, could he?

No answer. I inspected my fin, it was much better now, white scars crisscrossed it, but they would soon heal.

I could swim out of the cave now; back to the ocean. But where would I go?

Finally I became too hungry to ignore my rumbling stomach and I left the cave to find some river fish or kelp to eat.

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